Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Christmas!

San Diego's rocked with some surf, but I can't wait to get back to Puerto Rico. It's weird to be homesick when I'm in the town I grew up in. Don't get me wrong, I love San Diego, its just not for me anymore for so many reasons. We had a small showing of our new episode (out in January 08') at a "Ugly Sweater Christmas Party." It was a toy drive for "Toys for Joy," where people brought a new toy to the party and you got in- all toys going to disadvantaged children in San Diego. Pretty cool- everybody seemed to like the show- but I don't know- I always want to make you laugh and cry, we'll see- the waves are by far the best we've ever had for an On Surfari episode so that's good news. Been thinking about where to go next...don't want to give it away, maybe I'll mention somewhere warm, anyone guess? And after that somewhere really cold...? If anyone actually read all this, and emails us their guess and gets one right- I'll send them a DVD of the new episode that hasn't even aired yet. God Bless you this Christmas.- Shayne

1 comment:

salt said...

you'll be in indo then in alaska?